Fanbase Knowledge

Gather contact info in a snap with Forms 📝

📖 Collect fan data
Data Platform
15 min.


There are certain times when you need a few quick answers from your fans: contests, RSVP, ticket inquiries, etc. But why is it so hard to automate a simple form? And why is it even harder to get that data into your CRM or database?

FanThreeSixty Forms is a perfect solution for getting basic contact info from your fans. And maybe more importantly, it maps directly into the fan profile so you don't have to worry about importing and maintaining complicated spreadsheets.

Form Types - Shadow

Why it matters

Not only can FanThreeSixty Forms save you time, but adding some of these simple data points can make a huge impact on understanding your fans. Info as simple as Postal Code can help us discover household income, education level, distance to venue, and more.

Info as simple as Postal Code can help us find out household income, education level, distance to venue, and more

Getting Started

Head to the Forms page in the top navigation, and click New Form

There are 3 templates to choose from:

  • 🎁 Enter-to-win – Basic contact info for sweepstakes, RSVP, or general fan identification
  • 🎟 Ticket interest – Form specifically for ticket inquiries. Includes ticket type and # of tickets
  • 🥳 Birthdays – Includes name, email, and birthday

After choosing a template, you can customize the form in several ways. Add a custom graphic, headline, and select the form fields you want to display.

Customize Form

When you're finished, hit the Create button. This will publish the form and automatically copy the link to share. You're ready to start gathering contact info!

Published Form

Getting started is easy!

Build a Form

Measuring Success

Once you've shared your form, you can see response metrics on the details page. Response Rate is a great way to compare forms and see which are performing the best. 

Click Rate


You can also view a list of fans who have responded, and retarget them with an email or communication.
